Finally, a big purchase!!
Dear readers,
It has been a long time. This is the August issue of Rihokora(mu).
Peaches have been delicious this season, haven't they? They have always been my favorite fruit. I bought a lot myself this year, but I also received many at work, so I really enjoyed them.
How was everyone's summer? The corona pandemic isn't over yet, but I hope you had some fun experiences.
I would like to share 2 things that happened this month.
First, I now have a simple home recording studio, as I got some equipment to record songs at home. I bought a condenser microphone, which was a good decision. I wish I had done it sooner.
I'm in the middle of writing songs for my winter tour, and I thought it would be good if I record demos on my own, even when I'm not able to go to the studio.
However, I had been reluctant to buy a microphone for several months, wondering if it was a bit of an overreaction. I had thought about it again for a different reason in the past, so I had been undecided for about a year.
But when it arrived home, I began singing nonstop. But don't worry, I don't sing loudly in the middle of the night. But if I keep it up, I will have gotten my money's worth in no time.
I know that too much singing is not good for my throat, but it's very convenient to be able to record and listen to my songs during my personal time, so I will make the most of it.
I hope you enjoy the new songs.
My self-analysis results...
There's one more thing. A little thought I had.
My manager often tells me "Rihoppi doesn't talk about herself at all."
She doesn't mean it in a bad way lol
Sometimes during interviews, or meetings, or discussions not related to work, I may have talked too much about myself, and not really pay attention to what the other person has to say. I often reflect on this.
When I tell my manager she responds "No, it's the opposite. You don't talk about yourself at all."
It would be ok if her perception was a little different than mine, but it's the complete opposite. It made me think of something.
I am one of those people who has a difficult time answering questions like "What did you do today?" or "What are you planning to do today?"
If any of my friends are reading this, and are thinking they shouldn't ask me such questions again, it's ok, I don't always hate these type of questions.
But what exactly is the issue? Sometimes I can feel uncomfortable if people know too much about me, like what I'm planning to do that day. Let's say that my answer is I will go and work at a cafe. But if I can't make much progress with my work there, I may decide to practice my singing instead.
When that happens, I feel as if I lied to them, and didn't accomplish my goals for the day.
That's the kind of person I am.
So sometimes my friends won't ask me such questions, but then I can't tell them what I have in mind. lol
So the solution is to make my answer to what my plans are, my mission for the day! But also have a back-up plan: if I am too tired to work at the cafe, I can practice my singing.
I can be so annoying...
Well, this was the 50th edition of Rihokora(mu). They say that when dust piles up, it becomes a mountain, and that's exactly how I feel about #50.
I would appreciate it if you continue to support me. See you next month.