December 26, 2020
It’s the end of the year! The end of the year has come and gone in the blink of an eye, in the sense that we stayed home for a long time, limiting our activities. Or maybe, because we were staying home all year, it seemed longer. I'm sure it depends on each person.
The infection has been gaining momentum over the holiday season, and many medical professionals have been working tirelessly to help us. I am very grateful, but also very, very worried.
I really hope everyone takes good care of themselves, and I will do the same as well.
I began using SNS, hoping they would be a source of comfort to those who were unable to interact with others. From there, it expanded, and I was fortunate enough to start this column. And then, I resumed my activities.
As for the column, at first I was just happy to be able to work from my computer, but when I got busy with stage work, I would focus on that and I couldn’t think of anything to write. There were times when I barely made the deadline (or maybe I missed them?).
However, after half a year of doing this, I feel that my antennas are now working in ways that help me find things to write about in my column, and I am also able to observe, and think about everything I write more carefully. It feels very similar to writing a diary.
As a result of this process, many of my ideas are not worth writing about, but eventually I come up with something that is interesting and may offer a new perspective. It has certainly made me observant of my environment. I am glad I found an activity that has enriched my life!
By the way, typing, which I was never good at, is something I have improved a lot at, and I now use typing along with kendama (Note: a traditional Japanese skill toy) as stress relief. When I need to squeeze out an idea and I’m stuck, these two things have helped take my mind off work.
I used to be able to type with my right hand, which is my dominant hand, somewhat smoothly, but I couldn't use my left hand very well. However, in the past six months, I've managed to use even the little finger of my left hand! I never had much use for the little finger on my left hand until now.
My left little finger told me “It’s time to use me!” and is moving vigorously. I love my left little finger.
2021年もマイペースに : 2021, at my own pace
That’s all. What about you? Are you tired of this column? Are you still reading it?
I am trying to keep up with everything in my life, talking about what I like and sometimes blogging about it, but I feel sometimes that the column may be all over the place. That’s it! It’s going to take some time to find a topic to focus on. But I am not sure I should settle on one topic. The great thing about this is that there is no right answer, but it’s still a difficult decision.
I read in a book the other day that when our species was born, there was no Internet and almost no opportunity to learn about the endless outside world. The people around us were all we had, and our bodies and brains were therefore originally designed to function and live in the “present”.
They say that in a world like the one we live in now, where we have to find meaning in our lives and the concept of the future exists, people tend to get anxious about it (the future).
why, when I am writing, I try to put my heart and soul in it, so that
the people who take the time to read them, will find them
interesting, now, and will also feel happy reading them, again now.
This is the last Rihokora of 2020. Thank you for
reading till the very end.
See you next year. Have a happy new year!
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