Sayashi Riho: I want to be happy, and I want everyone to be happy!
An enthusiastic interview 5 years after graduating from Morning Musume
鞘 師里保「私も幸せでいたいし、みんなにも幸せであってほしい!」モーニング娘。卒業以来5年ぶりのインタビューで熱弁
As a member of Morning Musume, she played a key role in the group’s 2nd breakthrough, and graduated in 2015, at the young age of 17, and was missed by her numerous fans. Five years later, Sayashi Riho has returned to the Japanese entertainment scene as a solo artist. has been following her career since her debut at the age of 12, and we are interviewing her again to celebrate her solo debut. Her days after graduating from the group, her return to her old home, Morning Musume, her triumphant return, why she opened an instagram account, her first starring role since her solo career began in “Kuro Sekai”, her acting career, the music she wants to make in the future, and her passions that she wants to share with everyone. Please continue reading!
Morning Musume’s Sayashi Riho as seen by Sayashi Riho in 2020
It has been 5 years since your graduation interview with us, so lets look back at that time period, and talk about the future of Sayashi Riho. How have you been since your graduation?
Sayashi Riho: It was a bigger risk than I had imagined, but right after graduating, I had this feeling that “I have to do something!”. I grew up in a big place like Morning Musume, and leaving my nest, there was pressure to do my best.
Was it a feeling of “I’m sorry for not being perfect (なまはんか -namahanka)”?
Sayashi: That’s right. I felt I had to do something right away, but I soon realized there was no point in graduating if I didn’t do what I genuinely wanted to do at my own pace. So, I was able to be lazy and mess around (laughs), and spend a lot of time with my family. On the other hand, I was approached by some people, and I was able to achieve things I hadn’t imagined, so it was interesting. I was really happy living at my own pace, and those 5 years were very fulfilling.
Sayashi-san, you made your Morning Musume debut at 12, so it must have been difficult to “live at your own pace” as a child, right?
Sayashi: I only had an hour or two for myself every day. There were often times when my schedule was like that. So I was confused for a while after I graduated. I didn't know how to handle my free time because it increased from one or two hours to years (laughs). However, I gradually adapted to that situation. Also, regarding Morning Musume, it felt like I had a job for one year without having to do anything.* I am very grateful for that, and I think that's why I worked so hard on each and every job, but by being in a completely different environment, I was able to actively think about “what do I want to do and how do I want to live my life?”
[*Note: I struggled a lot with this sentence and I am not sure if it is correct. This was the original sentence in Japanese: * あと、モーニング娘 の頃は、自分から何もしなくても1年間仕事があるような状態だったんです。]
From the perspective of Sayashi-san as she is now, how would you describe the Sayashi Riho of Morning Musume?
Sayashi: For better or worse, I was always very driven. Not only as a member of Morning Musume, but as Sayashi Riho as well. I wanted to meet everyone's expectations, and I began to have that mindset, and I think it worked for the better, but there was a part of me that was trapped in that “you are Sayashi Riho” mindset. I had created my own style in a way, which was good, but I had to change that to take the next step. I have to look back and think when that change took place.
Morning Musume: The triumphant return home – Why I opened an Instagram account
After that, you will be on stage at Hina Fes 2019, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Morning Musume’s debut.
Sayashi: Normally, I would have been celebrating Morning Musume’s 20th anniversary from the sideline, so I never imagined we would be standing on the same stage. Then, all of a sudden I was asked to join and I thought “Eh? What should I do, what should I do?” (laughs) I was now living at my own pace, and I thought it would be rude to stand on the same stage with the active members, so I was really confused. So after discussing it with Fuku-chan (Fukumura Mizuki/Morning Musume leader/same class as Sayashi Riho) she said “By all means, I want us to sing together!”, and I said “Well then, let’s do it!”
How was it when you performed again with your old friends?
Sayashi: It was nice (laughs). All the members had evolved, and I tried to keep up, but it was very nice. I was nervous, but it was a relief to stand on the stage with everyone. I felt a sense of security, there was warmth, and it was fun. “Home!” That’s what it felt like.
It feels like returning to your hometown, doesn’t it?
Sayashi: That’s right! Much had changed, but it felt like home. I was happy to be accepted by the fans with a feeling of “Welcome back”. They still cared! I would have hated it if I returned to my alma mater and was seen as a pompous senpai. (laughs)
Then, in 2020, you opened an Instagram account. For the first time in a long time, you had the chance to communicate with your fans in an Instalive. There was also a scene where, a too nervous Sayashi-san, left the frame. (laughs)
Sayashi: There were about 20 thousand people, so I was surprised. I was streaming from home, and I thought “Eh? I’m home talking to 20 thousand people! Is this Yokohama arena?” (laughs) When I learned I would be starring in the play, I had decided to do an Instalive. I couldn’t meet anyone because of the unexpected coronavirus crisis, and I was pretty depressed myself. I like spending time alone, but I was thinking of how much support I have received from other people in my life. I needed the strength as well and I thought my fans would be happy if we had a place where we could support each other. I began thinking “If I can give some strength to my Instagram followers, I should do it.”
It seems like a typical Sayashi-san idea and approach to me.
Sayashi: I was actually planning on doing it earlier in the day, but I was nervous. When I started, I got nervous again, and my hands were trembling when I posted something.
Sayashi Riho, an artist that continues to be loved – Her first solo performance, “Kuro Sekai”
Looking at the reactions on your Instagram page, I can see that all your Hello! Project seniors, peers, and juniors continue to love you, despite graduating from Morning Musume five years ago.
Sayashi: I feel grateful, but also have this feeling of “Why haven’t you forgotten me?” There were a lot of people who waited for 5 years and cared about me. It feels like a miracle. It was a long time ago, and they could have forgotten about me, so I really appreciate it.
How do you see yourself as an artist?
Sayashi: I think people see me in different ways, but I’m just having fun doing everything (laughs). Of course, I think about all my work, but when I am on stage it feels easy, and I have energy, so in that sense, I feel “I have found my calling”. I, honestly, enjoy performing. However, it still feels strange to hear compliments from people who have seen my work. I wonder if it’s magic (laughs)
The first starring role of your solo career was in “Kuro Sekai”. What was it like to return to the role of Lily, who you played in “Lilium” in 2014?
Sayashi: It was an honor of course, but I honestly wondered “Is this ok?” I’m playing an immortal character, but I am 6 years older. So, if I was offered the role with the image in mind of who I was at the time, I was worried people would think I was not what they expected. That's what I was worried about, but… it wasn't as different as I thought it would be. (laughs) I also feel that the role of Lily, even in “Lilium” was written partly for me, and writer/director Suemitsu told me to bring my own experiences to the role. Even though Lily is an immortal vampire, I feel there are similarities between the character and myself. I had that in mind when I played the part.
That may have been the case for the audience as well. I had the sense that Lily and Sayashi Riho became the same person at some point. The story of Lily, who tries to find herself, despite the pain, and the story of Sayashi Riho, who tries to be herself, as you told me in this interview, is quite similar, isn’t it?
Sayashi: I am glad you feel that way. I have been trying to tell my story through Lily. I cared deeply for this project, and for the character of Lily herself, as does Suemitsu-san, and regarding “Kuro Sekai”, I sense that he wanted to celebrate my new beginning, so I am really happy I was allowed to re-unite with Lily.
Starting with “Kuro Sekai”, you are doing one play after another. But in what kind of “mode” (modo) are you in?
Sayashi: Right now, I have the attitude of a student when it comes to acting. I have very little experience in drama. So I am adjusting with the help of the people around me. But it’s something I always wanted to do. I am up for the challenge, and I would hate not to try it. Even if I thought “I am not good at this”, I would keep making an effort. Because of this, I find myself thinking “This is so difficult, what should I do?” But if you keep working, you think “that’s a line I’ve heard in a conversation! I can do this. Acting is fun!” Unlike singing and dancing, in acting we have to create our own rhythm, but once we get a handle on it, it becomes more interesting. I feel that acting experience can help in other artistic expressions as well.
I want everyone, in their own way, to be happy
I look forward to seeing what kind of actress you will grow into, but there are many fans who still want to see you sing and dance. So I would like to ask you, what are your future plans with regards to music?
Sayashi: Of course I would like to also do concerts, perform live as much as possible, release music, meet fans, as well as other traditional activities, but there is something else I want to do too. During the last 5 years there have been many artists that I had the chance to study, and I would like to work with them. I want to participate as a singer or a dancer, and also enter “unknown worlds” doing new things. I feel strongly about that.
Are there any particular feelings you would like to convey with your music in the future?
Sayashi: I don’t think I am at the point where I can say something to someone else yet, so I would like to sing about my own experiences, and ask myself questions. This is also true about live performances, where instead of doing it by myself, my thought process is “I want to do it together, I want to be part of the circle too”. Having said that, I haven’t written any lyrics yet, so I don’t know what emotions the songs will convey exactly. (laughs) But I don’t want to be in a situation where I say things I am not sure or confident about.
So, let me give you a more specific situation. Let’s say you had a live reunion with your fans, what would you like to convey there?
Sayashi: Eh… “woohoo! (ya-hoooo!), how are you?”
Your first Instalive was like that (laughs)
Sayashi: That’s true (laughs). It’s difficult to describe what I want to convey.
You just said that you are not sure or confident about what you say, but I always felt that your words were strong and kind. When you celebrated your birthday with your fans on an Instalive you said: “I want to use SNS in a positive way. I’m so happy to be celebrating with everyone right now”. At the time, slander on SNS was a problem, and a lot of people were inspired by your words.
Sayashi: Every time there is an issue, I am the type of person that thinks “What is this?”. I think that’s what I talked about. We have one body and one soul and it is a waste if we don’t live our life happily. I truly believe that. When you look at the world, it really is a waste being a “bad person”. The words that were sent to me on my birthday on Instagram were all kind and made me happy, and I wanted to say that everyone has such feelings in their hearts. If we know that, I think we will all be able to respect each other.
You really believe so.
Sayashi: I want everyone to be happy, in their own way, in their own lives. I want to be happy, and I want everyone else to be happy too! Once you become more aware of your own self, you will be able to think about others too, and not consider it a waste of time.
Sayashi-san, there is so much you want to say, isn’t there?
Sayashi: hahahaha!
Finally, this is your first interview with in 5 years. What would you like to say to our readers?
Sayashi: has supported me since I was in Morning Musume, and I once asked you myself for an interview (laughs) because I thought I could properly convey what I wanted to say. My fans have always read them carefully, so I am excited to do it again. I am hoping that by comparing it to my past interviews, you'll be able to see how I've changed and become the person I am today.
November 10, 2020
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