Saturday, September 18, 2021

Rihokora #32 - Sept. 18, 2021 - Rosutai(mu) (Lost time)

 Wanting to interact with people
I went to a specialized butcher shop the other day.  I usually buy most of my meat at supermarkets, but sometimes I go to butcher shops.
It's been a while since I had a proper conversation with a stranger, and this is what usually happens at supermarkets:
- Do you have a loyalty card?
- Yes.  Here it is.
- Do you have your own bag?
- Yes, I do.
This is where the conversation usually ends.  At the supermarket where I usually go, I even know in what order they will ask me these questions, so I show them my card and bag before they even ask, so that I don't waste any time.  Which leads to almost no conversation at all.

I was planning to make a hamburger steak that day, so I wanted to order 250 grams of beef and pork, but they didn't appear to have any meat left, and I was worried I may not be able to buy any to make hamburgers.  But the gentleman working there smiled and said "Don't worry!", and proceeded to grind the meat and prepare it in front of me, saying "It's fresh!".  His smile was enough to make me happy and think this is a good day.  I never knew that just one word can fill one's heart with joy.  It's something different than the usual, I guess.

No waste in life...
I was reminded of when I would only use self-checkout machines at convenience stores, or when I would buy things and schedule my time based on what I considered efficient, and not what I wanted, so that I wouldn't waste any time, which is something I regret.  

This doesn't mean of course that we should be wasting time.  But it's not all about "efficiency, efficiency"!  While machines have replaced human beings at many places, people still have a role to play.  While the world is becoming more convenient, we shouldn't forget this feeling (of interacting with other people).  People can find purpose and create enjoyable moments, even on occasions that appear to be a waste of time.

I often watch the fortune telling segments on morning talk shows, or in magazines, and they sometimes say things like "if you take a different road to school or work, you may have new encounters or discoveries", which is something I agree with.  I encourage everyone to try that.  I think good things will happen if you do.

I always wear black or white clothes for example, but today, I guess I will wear red.

Even if it feels like you are wasting your time doing useless things, as long as you follow your heart, you may come across new stimuli, and unexpected happy events.

Ah, by the way, the hamburger was, thankfully, delicious!

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