"Sayashi Riho to marumaru to" aka Rihomaru, the radio show of Riho Sayashi will end on Sunday, September 26. The show had started in December 2020. At the end of today's show, Riho said the following:
"I would like to make an announcement. "Sayashi Riho to marumaru to", which I have been presenting since December, will have its final episode next week on September 26th. I know this is sudden, but because it will be the last episode, we have been collecting a lot of emails from listeners. I would like to talk about my memories of this program, so please listen to it.
Thank you. I am sad that it's ending, but I will be here next week, and I hope that you join me for the end of the program! This was Riho Sayashi. Goodbye everyone, and see you next week!"
The producer of Rihomaru, Kei Takamoto tweeted about the end of the show saying the following:
"When considering what kind of program we wanted to do with Riho Sayashi for her new beginning, in the era of Instalive and fan club radio, we thought of creating a place to talk about connections and shared experiences. I am really grateful that we were able to do the show for this long, and I want to thank the many guests, and their agencies for their collaboration. Above all, I would like to thank all the listeners who have supported the program. I would really appreciate it if you listened to the last episode as well.
But this program of course wouldn't be possible without Riho who is the most honest, hard-working, and kind person I have ever met. Next week is the last episode of this show, but the entire staff would surely like to work with her again one day. The words of Matsuoka-san when she appeared on the show have touched me deeply. I truly hope that Sayashi-san (as Matsuoka said) leaves this nest to fly to something even better."
Finally, in a story published in the Fall 2021 issue of CREA magazine, "celebrities that love radio" were asked to name their favorite radio shows, and one of the 20 programs chosen was Rihomaru! This is how Rihomaru was described in the magazine:
"Former member of Morning Musume, Riho Sayashi, presents the real face of her famous guests. She has had lively conversations with personalities such as Kyoko Koizumi, Nocchi (Perfume), TAKAHIRO, Yudai Chiba, Ikura (YOASOBI), Nobuyuki Sakuma and many others."
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